
$USD 25 / Mo
  • Store Management Network
  • Limited cases
  • Unlimited customers
  • Unlimited products
  • One year of free maintenance
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Initial Data Importation
  • Additional free training
  • Additionnal support
  • Additional maintenance
  • Team Reports
  • E-Commerce Integration
  • Custom development available
  • Integration gateway payment
  • Multi-Store Standardized Pricing
  • Inter-Store Inventory Transfers


$USD 45 / Mo
  • Store Management Network
  • Unlimited cases
  • Unlimited customers
  • Unlimited products
  • One year of free maintenance
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Initial Data Importation
  • Additional free training
  • Additionnal support
  • Additional maintenance
  • Team Reports
  • E-Commerce Integration
  • Custom development available
  • Integration gateway payment
  • Multi-Store Standardized Pricing
  • Inter-Store Inventory Transfers


$USD 150 / Mo
  • Store Management Network
  • Unlimited cases
  • Unlimited customers
  • Unlimited products
  • One year of free maintenance
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Initial Data Importation
  • Additional free training
  • Additionnal support
  • Additional maintenance
  • Team Reports
  • E-Commerce Integration
  • Custom development available
  • Integration gateway payment
  • Multi-Store Standardized Pricing
  • Inter-Store Inventory Transfers


  • Store Management Network
  • Unlimited cases
  • Unlimited customers
  • Unlimited products
  • One year of free maintenance
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Initial Data Importation
  • Additional free training
  • Personalized consultation services
  • Additional maintenance
  • Team Reports
  • E-Commerce Integration
  • Custom development available
  • Integration gateway payment
  • Multi-Store Standardized Pricing
  • Inter-Store Inventory Transfers